Duncan’s Stories

Hullo, my name is Duncan Burkitt.

I love stories. I love writing them, telling them, and being part of them.

I’d be happy to play a part in a story you’re trying to tell, if you’ll have me.


Monologues, live shows, voice acting, and other things I have performed in.


Scripts, poems, the odd short story, and generally things I have written.

I want to tell stories for the glory of God.

This means that I must commit to finishing the stories that I want to tell, for that which is unfinished, or worse, unshared, cannot glorify the Creator of all things who leaves no story unfinished, and who is pleased to tell meaningful stories to His people, as He told many parables and inspired His Scripture to be full of true stories. It means that the stories that I tell must be told not only with Him in mind, but with special prayer and attention given to asking for His guidance in telling it, and His blessing upon it. It means that every story I tell must reflect, on some level, the grand truths that He shares within His Scriptures and His character. It means that I must give Him all credit and glory for whatever creative capacities I am blessed with, for I would not have them without Him, and I would never put them to any worthwhile use without His help and work in my life.

To tell stories for the glory of God does not mean to steal other’s stories. It does not mean to make everything derivative of someone else’s work and just slap Jesus on it so that I can call it “Christian”. It does not mean that my stories are above correction, editing, or rebuke. It does not mean my stories are Scripture, unless the story I am telling is literally exactly from Scripture, word for word. It does not mean that my stories matter more than the stories of others.

    To glorify God in telling stories is vitally important, because stories shape who we are. They teach us lessons we cannot learn from life experience, because life experience is necessarily limited. They inform our imaginations and our patterns of thinking. A story made for God’s glory and with His truth present within can be a powerful tool for His work. May the stories I tell be that, if nothing else.

    Any and all glory for the stories I tell be given to God alone, as He knows Himself to be. He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Blessed be the name of Jesus the Son, who died and rose again to save us from our sins. Amen.

Can I help you tell your story? If so, please, contact me!